Breathe In ……… and Let it Go
After enjoying Tai Chi as a hobby for 11 ½ years, I decided that I would start my own Tai Chi for Health business and show everyone how enjoyable it can be. A client said [...]
Breathe & Be YOU!!
Did you know it is Mental Health Awareness Week this week? As a result of that, I would like to tell you my story…. As I grew up, through my teenage years, my mum was [...]
My Qi (Chee) and Me
During Lockdown, I have took time to look out of my window, on a daily basis, and I have noticed nature is thriving. First, the birds were collecting nesting materials, like broken branches I had [...]
Boost your body’s battery with ENERGY
Are you sitting at your desk for too long? How many times do you eat your lunch at your desk? Do you notice your ENERGY levels run low? Well, I can change that! I can [...]
Tai Chi at Victoria Park, St Helens (2017)
Tai Chi for Health in Victoria Park, St Helens. Adults and Children connected with the Environment to absorb Vitamin D.
The Power of Imagination is a Wonderful Thing ………
What does that mean in a Child’s mind ……? “Never ending …..!!!” Ever since I qualified as a Primary School Teacher, I have thought “How can I help kids FOCUS, CONCENTRATE AND CO-ORDINATE their skills to be confident and ready [...]